Wolfe Research Prize for Identifying New Causes or Novel Treatment of Neuropathy and Related Disorders

The ANA is offering the Wolfe Research Prize to honor an outstanding investigator in the field of neuropathy or related disorders regardless of ANA membership. Candidates may include faculty at any career level, whether Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, who have made significant contributions to the understanding of pathogenesis or treatment of these conditions. The recipient is selected by the ANA Awards Committee. 
The same researcher honoree can qualify for this award in subsequent years if they can demonstrate evidence of ongoing significant contributions to the field. 

The awardee will be required to submit an abstract for inclusion in the Annual Meeting program and deliver an oral presentation during the ANA Annual Meeting. 

Eligible Candidates:

  • ANA membership not required
  • Actively working in the field of academic neurology or neuroscience
  • Faculty members at any career level including Assistant/Associate/Full Professor 
  • Candidates who have submitted unsuccessfully in the past may reapply. Self-nominations are encouraged.


  • $2,000 Honorarium
  • Gratis Annual Meeting Registration
  • Up to $2,000 in Travel Reimbursement for the Annual Meeting
  • A Commemorative Plaque

Application Requirements:

  1. Nominee Statement
  2. Nominee CV
  3. Two (2) Letters of Nomination:
    • Nomination letter detailing the nominee’s achievements in identifying new causes or treatments
    • Seconding ​Letter, preferably from an individual outside the nominee's institution

The awardee is required to:  

  • Submit an abstract for publication in the ANA Annual Meeting Final Program
  • Present their research during the ANA Annual Meeting

2024 Recipient: Charlotte Sumner, MD, FANA

Past Recipients 

  • 2023: 
  • 2022: Stephanie Eid, PhD
  • 2021: Brett McCray
  • 2020: Brian C. Callaghan
  • 2019: Daniela Menichella
  • 2018: Ahmet Hoke
  • 2017: Stefanie Geisler
  • 2016: Michael J. Polydefkis
  • 2015: Lucy Hinder 
  • 2014: Jun Li
  • 2013: Christopher Klein
  • 2012: Thomas Lloyd
  • 2011: Douglas W. Zochodne
  • 2010: Hsinlin Cheng
  • 2009: Florian Eichler