Membership Benefits

Be at the Forefront of Academic Neurology

At a time when support for basic and translational science needs a strong voice and the burden of neurological disease is growing, the ANA is the champion of neurological research and the ally of all physicians and scientists who strive to make a difference through careers that combine discovery, education and clinical care.


As a member of the ANA, you will enjoy:  

The Annual Meeting, held in the fall, is the premier conference for late-breaking research and networking in academic neurology. The meeting convenes thousands of the nation's top academic neurologists and neuroscientists to share research on a broad spectrum of specialties and diseases. From carefully created scientific symposia, well-attended interactive lunch workshops, poster sessions, and career development programs with practical tips on applying for grants, the Annual Meeting offers a wealth of opportunity for fellows, residents, graduate students, and postdocs. ANA members receive discounts on registration and abstract submissions, and have the opportunity to receive a travel award or poster prize.

Highly ranked professional journals. The ANA’s scientific journals, Annals of Neurology and the online Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology (ACTN) both consistently receive high-ranking impact factors. All members receive complimentary access to these journals, as well as discounted rates for submitting research to ACTN. In addition, ANA and Wiley continue to publish InterACTN— online patient cases to sharpen your clinical skills through expert feedback. ANA fellow members will be guaranteed an external review of one manuscript per year submitted to Annals of Neurology!

OnDEC, the ANA’s On Demand Education Center. OnDEC allows you to earn AMA PRA Category I Credit(s) anywhere, from any device by giving you access to recordings from the ANA Annual Meeting and other ANA educational offerings.

Career guidance. Career development programs at the Annual Meeting help neurologists at all career levels connect and excel. The Translational and Clinical Research Course, held at the Annual Meeting, offers selected research fellows, residents, and junior faculty strategies for developing effective research grant proposals and advancing in academic neurology. 

Scholarships. The ANA established the International Outreach Scholarship (IOTS) in recognition of the shared goal among neurologists worldwide to reduce the burden of neurological disease through research, education, clinical care, and advocacy. The IOTS is awarded to two (2) ANA members and provides the recipients with the opportunity to work in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) in the upcoming academic year.

Awards. Members are eligible for ANA awards recognizing outstanding work in academic neurology, including the Derek Denny-Brown Young Neurological Scholar Award, the Distinguished Neurology Teacher Award, The Grass Foundation - ANA Award in Neuroscience, and the Raymond D. Adams Lectureship

ANA Communications. Members receive a weekly e-newsletter that features messages from the ANA president, research highlights from ANA’s peer-reviewed journals, and the latest ANA news and opportunities. The ANA’s social media channels keep followers up to date on the latest news in academic neurology and neuroscience, and the ANA.

The ANA Career Center makes it simple to find open positions in academic neurology at prominent institutions across the country. With dozens of job postings ranging from entry level to department chair, the ANA Career Center will help you advance in the field.

ANA Investigates: A Podcast SeriesEach month, during these 15-20 minute episodes, we’ll delve into topics such as implicit bias in the workplace & patient care, designing and implementing a global teleneurology program, unbiased metagenomic next generation sequencing for diagnosis of CNS infection / inflammatory conditions, neurovirology, functional neuroimaging of functional movement disorders, and more! You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, or listen right here on MyANA.

ANA Highlights: Bite Size Learning is the new craze in online education. The ANA Education Innovation Subcommittee is excited to announce the launch of an ANA Bite Size Learning program in 2020. ANA members are offered the opportunity to claim AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for eligible modules. 

Members can claim Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits for watching ANA Webinars. Eligible episodes are designated for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Learn more about the ANA benefits tailored specifically to your career level:

Students Postdoctoral Fellows, Residents & Trainees  Faculty

Automatic Renewal

ANA now offers automatic renewal for the convenience of our members!

Sign up for the new automatic renewal service so you will never be interrupted when submitting an abstract, registering for the Annual Meeting or wondering whether your membership is current.

If you have questions at any time regarding your membership or how to make the most of it, contact the ANA between the hours of 9 am – 5 pm (ET) at 856-380-6892 or

Membership Categories

The ANA welcomes members at every career level and offers benefits tailored to your needs.