Awards Committee
The Awards Committee was created by the Board of Director to oversee matters related to overseeing the ANA awards process from a strategic position, defining new awards, and choosing the recipients of the Derek Denny-Brown, Grass Foundation, Distinguished Teacher, Wolfe Prize, and ANA Awards for Excellence.
ANA-NINDS Career Development Symposium Planning Subcommittee
The ANA-NINDS Career Development Symposium is a Subcommittee created by the ANA Board of Directors responsible for determining the educational activities included in the formal program of the ANA-NINDS Career Development Symposium, including the overall design and flow of the program, the types of activities, and the specific content of activities. The Committee reports to the ANA Board of Directors via the Annual Meeting Programming Committee.
Annals of Neurology/Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology Oversight Committee
The Oversight Committee assists the Editors and Editorial Board of the journals to ensure that the journals are meeting the expectations and needs of ANA members (for Annals and ACTN) and CNS members (for Annals). Contractual and financial materials related to Annals and ACTN will remain the purview of the Executive Committee of the ANA.
Annual Meeting Programming Committee
The Annual Meeting Programming Committee (AMP) is a committee created by the ANA Board of Directors responsible for determining the educational activities included in the formal program of the ANA Annual Meeting, including the overall design and flow of the program, the types of activities (e.g. symposia, poster sessions), the specific content of activities; and supporting the independent medical education grant application process. The AMP Committee will review all proposal submissions for all sessions at the ANA Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting Programming Committee also determines the recipients for the following ANA Lectureships: FE Bennet Memorial Lecture; George Jacoby Lectureship; Raymond D. Adams Lectureship; Soriano Lectureship. To learn more about these lectureships visit the Awards page on this website.
Clinical Affairs Committee
The ANA Clinical Affairs Committee is responsible for advising the Board of Directors of the American Neurological Association on issues impacting the practice of neurology in general and academic neurology in particular.
Education Innovation Committee
The ANA Education Innovation Committee was created by the ANA Board of Directors to provide strategic oversight and, as needed, implement educational and community-building initiatives that fully align with the Association’s mission of advancing academic neurology and neuroscience. Specifically, this committee has been designed to ensure the Association meets the unique and diverse needs of the current and prospective members, organized into the following categories of membership; Chair-Level, Mid-Career, Early-Career, and Junior Member, and International Member. The committee reports to the ANA Board of Directors.
Executive Committee & Directors
The Board of Directors manages the business and affairs of the Association. The Board is comprised of five elected officers, the Immediate Past-President, and ten directors. In addition, the Editors-In-Chief of the Association’s journals (Annals of Neurology and Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology) as well as Chair of Junior and Early Career Membership Subcommittee serve as ex-officio members of the Board of Directors with voice but no vote.
Finance Committee
The ANA Finance Committee will oversee the fiscal health and financial matters of the organization. In collaboration with staff, they will work to identify areas where expenses may be curtailed and opportunities for new or increased revenues.
Global Engagement Committee
The Global Engagement Committee (GEC) is a committee created by the Board to enhance the relationship of the ANA to the wider world of academic neurology and neuroscience in a global context. The GEC works with ANA leadership regarding how best to achieve ANA’s international objectives.
Governance Council
The ANA Governance Council (the “Council”) is responsible for assisting the Board of Directors of the American Neurological Association (the “Association”) to ensure the effectiveness of the overall governance of the Association.
Inclusion/Diversity/Equity/Anti-Racism/Social Justice (IDEAS) Committee
The IDEAS Committee is a committee established by the ANA Board of Directors to implement actionable steps that relate to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). The Committee is charged with developing, instituting, and assessing programs and policies that develop an organizational culture that values and acknowledges the ANA’s diverse membership; and foster an inclusive and equitable organizational culture that serves as an example to its members and the academic neurology and neuroscience community at large.
Interactive Lunch Workshops Subcommittee
The Interactive Lunch Workshop Subcommittee is a committee created by the ANA Board of Directors to expand professional development opportunities through educational and networking programs offered during the ANA Annual Meeting and to provide recommendations for educational programming to the Professional Development Committee. The subcommittee reports to the Annual Meeting Programming Committee.
Junior and Early Career Membership Subcommittee
The Junior and Early Career Membership (JECM) Subcommittee was created by the ANA Board of Directors to oversee matters related to the retention and acquisition of junior and early career members; and to serve as the voice of this demographic. The JECM subcommittee is a subcommittee of the ANA Membership Committee.
Local Arrangements Subcommittee
The Local Arrangements Subcommittee is a committee created by the ANA Board of Directors to expand professional development opportunities through educational and networking programs offered during the ANA Annual Meeting and to provide recommendations for educational programming to the Professional Development Committee. The subcommittee reports to the Annual Meeting Programming Committee.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is a committee created by the Board to oversee matters related to the engagement, retention, and acquisition of ANA’s membership, and to serve as the voice of all ANA members.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is a standing committee created by the Board under Article IV, Section 3 of the Bylaws. The Nominating Committee strives for balance and diversity to be an inclusive organization with a Board that is representative of the ANA.
Professional Development Workshops Subcommittee
The Professional Development Workshops Subcommittee’s role is to expand professional development opportunities through educational and networking programs offered during the ANA Annual Meeting and to provide recommendations for educational programming to the Annual Meeting Programming Committee The subcommittee reports to the Annual Meeting Programming Committee.
Those members who represent the ANA membership on committees hosted by other organizations and institutions.
Research Careers Reimagined Course Planning Subcommittee
The Research Careers Reimagined (RCR) Course Subcommittee is responsible for determining the educational activities of the biennial Course, including the overall design and flow of the program, and the specific content of activities. The Subcommittee carries out this charge in a manner that is consistent with all rules and guidelines of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). The Subcommittee reports to the Annual Meeting Programming Committee.