ANA Investigates ANA2024

ANA Investigates ANA2024

image of ANA members

Renew Your ANA Membership for 2024!

Renew Now Top 5 Reasons to Renew

What Makes ANA Unique

The ANA is the only professional society devoted to academic researchers and physician-scientists who work to achieve a world without neurological disease through careers that combine discovery, education, and clinical care. From pre-eminent scholars to those whose careers are just beginning, we support our members through tailored professional development, education, and advocacy. 

Discover the History of ANA

Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Farrah J. Mateen, MD, PhD
I’ve been going to the ANA meeting for over 10 years now, since I was a resident. It has provided me opportunities to present my work, but also to meet new people who I wouldn’t have otherwise met. Certainly, they’re reviewers on your papers and grants, but also, they may be your future mentees and mentors. You just don’t know yet, so it’s exciting to see how it unfolds.
Farrah J. Mateen, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Harvard Medical School
Tritia Yamasaki, MD, PhD
The ANA has been vital for obtaining quality feedback on my research and developing new collaborations. I really enjoy the yearly meetings because they are interactive and just the right size for networking.
Tritia Yamasaki, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
University of Kentucky
Eric Landsness, MD, PhD
As a junior member, the ANA has connected me with leaders in the field and given me exposure at the national level. The Annual Meeting is high-yield for scientific collaboration, networking and job-searching because it brings together the leaders of their scientific field and neurologists at all levels from students to department chairs in an intimate and welcoming setting.
Eric Landsness, MD, PhD
Instructor, Department of Neurology
Washington University in St. Louis
Elias A. Giraldo, MD, MS
The ANA is the premier organization for academic neurology and as such, provides a valuable platform for education, networking and collaboration amongst academicians and future generations of basic and clinical neuroscientists.
Elias A. Giraldo, MD, MS
Professor and Chair, Department of Neurology
California University of Science and Medicine