Researchers Wirelessly Record Human Brain Activity During Normal Life Activities and Other NIH News

Check out the latest brain-related news from the National Institute of Health (NIH):

Researchers wirelessly record human brain activity during normal life activities - Researchers are now able to wirelessly record the directly measured brain activity of patients living with Parkinson’s disease and to then use that information to adjust the stimulation delivered by an implanted device


Lack of sleep in middle age may increase dementia risk - Studies have suggested that sleep patterns earlier in life may contribute to later dementia risk. 


Brain’s waste removal system may offer path to better outcomes in Alzheimer’s therapy - An NIH-funded study in mice suggests lymphatic boost could help reduce amyloid buildup.


Cancer-linked mutation accelerates growth of abnormal stroke-causing brain blood vessels - Researchers have discovered an explanation for why cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs)—clusters of dilated blood vessels in the brain—can suddenly grow to cause seizures or stroke.