Now accepting applications for ANA Representative to the Ethics, Law, and Humanities Committee

Now accepting applications for ANA Representative to the Ethics, Law, and Humanities Committee

If Interested, please provide a brief statement to Kelly Ventura ( by Friday, March 11. The statement should describe why you are interested in this role and any relevant experience.


Job Description

• The committee meets in person three times per year, and members should do their best to attend each meeting. Members should be familiar with the agenda topics and contemporary ethics issues in general, actively and constructively contribute to meeting discussions, and contribute to other ELHC activities (e.g. help author position statements).
• ANA and CNS representatives should keep their organizations apprised of ELHC activities.
Committee members representing the ANA are appointed by their respective associations and may serve up to three two‐year terms.

Meeting Schedule
Members are expected to attend three meetings per year. The meetings are scheduled as follows:
• Winter (January or February)
• AAN Annual Meeting (spring, typically April)
• Fall (September or October) - Minneapolis at AAN headquarters. Winter and fall meetings usually require two travel days each.

Committee Composition
The Ethics, Law, and Humanities Committee includes the following positions:
• Chair
• Vice Chair
• At least eight AAN representatives
• At least one, but not more than four, ANA representatives
• At least one, but not more than four, CNS representatives
• NITCEE (Neurologist‐in‐Training Clinical Ethics Elective) representative (ex officio‐voting member, serves a one‐year term)