NIH News

On August 18, NIH issued a news release detailing a recent study on pontetnial drugs to be used to slow the progression of DIPGs. Senior author Sriram Venneti, M.D., Ph.D., and a team of researchers at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor conducted the study. Researchers primarily studied H3K27M tumors, DIPGs linked to mutations in a gene, called histone 3.

Click here to read the full release: "Drugs against alpha-ketoglutarate may combat deadly childhood brain tumor."


On August 19, NIH issued a news release detailing a recent study on C. elegans worm's brain cells to find how they got thier specirfic shapes and functions.  Research was led by Oliver Hobert, Ph.D., professor of biochemistry and molecular biophysics at Columbia University in New York City and graduate student Molly B. Reilly where a genetically modified worm was used in which individual neurons were color coded.

Click here to read the full release: "Small set of genes may provide unique barcode for different types of brain cells in worms."