March 2019

Dear ANA members,

It is wonderful news that spring has begun, which means there are several important things to do in regards to the ANA. First, abstracts for the 144th Annual Meeting of the ANA from October 13-15, 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri are due April 2, 2019. This is a great chance to discuss your work with leading academic physician-scientists and scientists as well as be eligible for giving a data blitz talk and receiving a travel award-- so please submit your work.
Second, strongly consider submitting a nomination for one of the 3 prestigious ANA awards: the Derek Derek-Denny Brown Neurological Scholar Award, the Distinguished Neurology Teacher Award, and the Grass Foundation - ANA Award in Neuroscience. You can nominate a colleague or self-nominate. These are due March 29, so please submit now!

Third, please strongly consider nominating a colleague or yourself for one of the open ANA Board positions, which are president-elect and a director position on the Board. This is a great way contribute to academic neurology in diverse ways.

The program for the ANA Annual Meeting has shaped up extremely well, and we are looking forward to a great meeting in October. More to come on this soon!

Warm regards,

David M. Holtzman, MD

President, American Neurological Association

Andrew B. and Gretchen P. Jones Professor and Chairman

Dept. of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine