January 2019

Dear ANA members,

Happy New Year to everyone! As the new year gets underway, please remember to renew your membership and maintain the benefits of being an ANA member. Among the highlights of membership include our Annual Meeting, which will take place in St. Louis, Missouri from October 13-15, 2019 with the Pre-Meeting Symposium starting on the evening of October 12.

Over the last few days, the Scientific Program Advisory Committee (SPAC), led by Dr. Elizabeth Ross, has come up with a wonderful set of plenary sessions, as well as a Pre-Meeting Symposium focused on recent advances in the application of Brain-Computer Interfaces. In addition, topics for Interactive Lunch Workshops were presented and Special Interest Group (SIG) sessions plans were organized.

Following the SPAC meeting, our annual January board meeting took place. In addition to reviewing the recommendations from SPAC, a number of this year’s strategic priorities were discussed. The board also reviewed the progress of the newer of our two journals, Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology (ACTN). ACTN, under the leadership of chief editor Dr. Jack Kessler, has done incredibly well. ACTN is an open access journal that publishes high-quality papers on topics covering the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological diseases. They also have a great new feature called interACTN, which is a set of interactive cases like morning reports or CPCs and are a great way to test your clinical thinking and decision making. Also remember that as an ANA member, you get a substantial 50% discount off the ACTN publishing fee.

Finally, remember to prepare your abstracts for submission for the Annual Meeting. The site for abstract submissions opens February 1st!


Warm regards,

David M. Holtzman, MD

President, American Neurological Association

Andrew B. and Gretchen P. Jones Professor and Chairman

Dept. of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine