June 2024

Dear ANA Members,

June is Pride Month, a time that we recognize and celebrate individuals from the LGBTQIA+ Community and the contributions they make to academic neurology, medicine, and science. The ANA hosted a roundtable discussion with members from the LGBTQIA+ Community to learn more about their challenges and successes. We invite you to listen to the conversation to learn more about their personal experiences. We are grateful for the diversity among ANA members and are proud to be home to many from the LGBTQIA+ Community. 

Another way in which the ANA is celebrating diversity is through the development and launch of a speaker database. The database is designed for ANA members only, so you will need to be logged in to access it. The icon for the Speaker Directory is on the Member Center page. Individuals have provided their information allowing you to identify individuals who might speak or present on a topic in which they have expertise. The database information includes information to help identify individuals who are underrepresented in medicine (URiM) and who identify as women. We invite you to visit the speaker database if you are in need of a presenter. Please note that all ANA members are welcome to opt in and be included in the database by completing the online form here.

There are so many wonderful speakers and presenters in the Association, and we’ll hear from many of you at ANA2024. We hope all our members will come to the September 14 – 17, 2024, 149th Annual Meeting of the ANA in Orlando for the latest in translational neuroscience and to build your toolbox toward career advancement in academic neurology. Here are some of the professional development sessions that will be offered:

If you have not already done so, do register today and make plans to attend ANA2024. As an additional benefit for meeting attendees this year we are excited to offer complimentary childcare services for those traveling with children. Please contact ANA Chief Program Officer Dr. Nadine Goldberg to get information and secure childcare services at ANA2024. Childcare services must be reserved on or before August 7, 2024.

I am grateful to Dr. Allison Willis, Annual Meeting Programming (AMP) Committee Chair, and the entire AMP Committee for their efforts and planning to make ANA2024 the best annual meeting yet. Don’t miss the ANA’s Annual Executive Session of Membership meeting on Monday, September 16, 2024, from 10:45 – 11:45 AM EDT at the Hilton Orlando in Orlando IV-VI Ballroom. You will hear an update of the

candidate slate for board service and important updates on Association activities from our President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Editors-In-Chief. 

For those of you who are also members of the Association of University Professors of Neurology (AUPN), we are pleased to share that the AUPN is hosting its Annual Meeting on Saturday, September 14, in Orlando. The AUPN Annual Meeting is the ideal platform to collaborate, discuss challenges, and network with peers. You may register for AUPN2024 today.

Your participation on an ANA committee would be a great way to enhance your leadership skills and engage with the ANA, and you are invited to complete the Call for Committee Service form on or before June 30, 2024. ANA committee work helps advance our mission and vision. ANA committee service is a perfect way to connect with the community of academic neurology and allied sciences, and give back while also receiving experience, and expand your network, knowledge, and expertise.


Thanks for being part of the ANA, and I hope to see you at ANA2024.



M. Elizabeth Ross, MD, PhD, FANA

President, ANA

Nathan Cummings Professor and 

Head, Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Development

Director, Center for Neurogenetics

Weill Cornell Medicine